What No One Tells You About Blurry Vision
If objects are out of focus or you’re experiencing blurry vision, you may have a refractive error. Refractive errors are more commonly known as farsightedness or nearsightedness. Blurred vision can be an inconvenient symptom that people cope with.
Blurred vision can lead to trouble driving or seeing road signs, seeing far away object such as movie theater screens, or completing simple tasks. Often times, blurred vision is also accompanied by frustration and headaches. You can experience these issues at any age.
Refractive errors occur because your eyes are not bending light correctly. This incorrect bending is what results in the blurry vision that you experience.
There are a number of reasons you may have blurry vision
- You need a new prescription for your contacts or glasses
- Your eyes are dry
- Pink eye could cause cloudy vision
- You scratched your eye or have an infection
Visiting an eye doctor is the best way to find out what’s going on and remedy this inconvenience.
There are a number of ways to fix blurr vision:
Your eye doctor can help you find a prescription that works with your unique vision. Glasses are a useful and common way to improve blurry vision and other symptoms that accompany it.
Contact Lenses-
Contact are also a viable option that can be prescribed by your doctor. These may ease symptoms as well. They require a prescription separate from your glasses and serve as a great second option for the day that you don’t feel like actually wearing your frames.
Surgery has become an option for people looking to enhance their eyesight also.
Speak with your doctor about what symptoms you’re experiencing and how blurry your vision is. They will be able to help you ease your uncomfortable symptoms and move into a life of clearer vision.
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